About Me

My name is Brianna Flint, Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master. In 1996 I started studying how our mental and emotional thoughts affect our physical body, in correlation to our health.  I embraced the importance of treating the whole person...



If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

Brianna's goal is to initiate rejuvenation of the mind, body and spirit to bring your body into a peaceful state that continues long after your massage session. 

Brianna uses discretion and a skilled touch to treat specific soft and connective tissue.  She assist your body in returning to a balanced state. 

Our hectic lives mean we demand more and more of our body.  As we spend more time doing and less time relaxing and rejuvenating, we lose the natural ability to allow our body to properly function as it was meant to do.  It is proven that a body will only perform as good as it is maintained.  So it’s up to you need to take the time to rejuvenate its vitality.  

Every person has an innate ability to ultimate health.  Scheduling a massage with a Licensed Massage Therapist gives you greater control over your general well being by providing physical and mental benefits that lay the foundation for a healthy body and spirit.

Each session is personalized to meet your needs with the personal attention you deserve. Brianna believes in treating the whole person, mind-body-spirit.

If you’d like to set up an appointment click here.